Reduce Attrition and Drive Revenue
With Value-Added Services

NMI is the gateway of choice because of our flexible, customizable and reliable platform, but what keeps them on, and growing on, our platform is our value-added services.

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Enhanced Data (Level III Processing)

Gives merchants using the Enhanced Data service the best interchange rates available on their transactions.

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Encrypted Devices

Take encrypted payments to the next level with our Swipe POS Software, Customer-Present Cloud, or a custom app you build yourself.

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Electronic Invoicing

Merchants can create an invoice, email it, and allow customers to view their history and submit a payment with just a few clicks.

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Cash Processing

Consolidate electronic and cash payments into a single reporting interface allowing you to view all your income streams in one location.

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Fraud Prevention

Outsmart fraudsters with Fraud Prevention, our rule-based fraud prevention tool, to screen suspicious transaction activity and stay one step ahead of fraud.

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Payer Authentication 2.0

Reduce your fraud risk and increase customer confidence with security protocols developed by Visa & MasterCard that allow consumers to shop online more securely.

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Quickbooks® SyncPay

Enables your merchants to process transactions, create accounting entries and mark transactions as paid right in QuickBooks.

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